
Trigger Support

Control Powered Accessories Wirelessly!

Looking for help? You’ve come to the right place!

Having issues connecting the Bluetooth mobile app to your Trigger Controller? Click Here for our Updated Guide on Pairing the App

Known Issues:

We’re aware that some Android App users are experiencing issues with compatibility on newer versions AndroidOS. Our team is currently investigating and should resolve this soon. (September-October 2023).

Temporary fix: In the meantime, you can manually download the Android APK file (app) and ‘sideload’ it onto your Android Phone. Download link Click Here | Sideloading Instructions Click Here

App Installation and Set-Up

For the 6 Shooter and 4 Plus Controllers

Ensure Bluetooth is active on your mobile device, and your TRIGGER 6 SHOOTER or 4 PLUS is powered on. Download and install the app on your Android or IOS device. Search “TRIGGER ACS PLUS” if you have difficulty locating it in your App Store. Launch the app. Please allow access to Location Services when prompted, this is necessary for proper app function. Select your controller from the list of devices. Tap ‘Add Device’ on the ‘Getting Started with…’ screen. Enter the default pairing code ‘0000’ in the dialog box and tap ‘Confirm’. You are then asked to create a new, unique 4 digit pairing code. This creates a private Bluetooth network and prevents other nearby TRIGGER interference. Remember this code. Your Trigger hardware should quickly connect to your phone.

Download the Trigger Plus App

App Installation and Set-Up

For the Original Four Channel Controller

Ensure Bluetooth is active on your mobile device, and your TRIGGER is powered on. Download and install the app on your Android or iOS device. Search “TRIGGER ACS” if you have difficulty locating it in your App Store. Pairing:

  • iOS: Bluetooth pairing occurs automatically, do not attempt to manually pair the App. If you attempt to manually pair the app, go to Settings in the Trigger app and tap ‘Forget Active Trigger’.
  • Android: Pair your mobile device to the Trigger Controller using pairing code ‘1234’.

Launch the app. Please allow access to Location Services if prompted, this is necessary for proper app function. Tap the ‘GO!’ button in the center of the screen to connect to your Trigger Controller. After a few seconds, the App will connect to your controller. Power, strobe, and dimming functionality will now be active.

Download the Original Trigger App


Important Notice on this legacy product: As of March 2023, the ‘Original Trigger App’ for Non-‘Plus’ devices sold prior to 2019 is no longer actively maintained. It may no longer work with iOS/Android platforms to connect via Bluetooth, however the physical RF switches will still continue to function as intended. Our updated product versions are the newer ‘4Plus’ and ‘6 Shooter’ models if you’re primarily trying to connect via mobile connection.

Be sure to download the correct app for your Trigger.

The original four channel app will not control our 4 PLUS or 6 SHOOTER controllers.

App Troubleshooting

Location Services

When the app is run for the first time you will be asked to allow access to Location Services. Please choose the option to Allow While Using the App, it is an integral component of the Bluetooth communication protocol and necessary for successful connection. If location services are not allowed the app will not connect.

Samsung Specific Help

There have been reports of ongoing connectivity issues with Samsung Galaxy and Note devices; These devices will connect to a Trigger without a problem for some, and for others no amount of trying will get them connected. We are always working towards a perfect solution, but technology is a moving target.

In the meantime, we have figured out a process that has worked repeatedly for us, and it goes like this